‘From the sea to the table: yesterday's recipes in today's kitchens’ Duplicate 1
‘From the sea to the table: yesterday's recipes in today's kitchens’ is a project of the Museu Marítim de Mallorca, in collaboration with the Town Council of Sóller and the IES
Guillem Colom Casasnoves secondary school. The aim is to rescue and preserve the area's seafaring culinary heritage, connecting fishing traditions with modern gastronomy. Through traditional recipes handed down by the elderly, young cookery students have recovered emblematic dishes from the Balearic Sea, learning ancient techniques while fostering an exchange of knowledge between generations. In this way, cultural identity and links between the older and younger generations are strengthened.
The project also underlines the historical importance of the sea in local culture, highlighting the fundamental role of seafood gastronomy in the region's identity. Several entities have been involved, such as the IMAS, with the intention of extending the collaboration to other educational centres on the island. The aim is to disseminate and preserve this cultural heritage, while promoting responsible and sustainable consumption.
The project's infographics, produced in collaboration with the Balearic Federation of Fishermen's Guilds, the CSIC, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography and Planet Tuna, with the support of the Carasso Foundation, offer a clear vision of the marine biodiversity of the Balearic Sea. They include a list of local species grouped by type and optimum catching season (spring, summer, autumn and winter), highlighting the need to respect natural cycles to ensure sustainable consumption. It also explains traditional fishing methods, which contribute to maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem.
In addition, the project details the distribution chain of marine products, from the fish markets to the markets, promoting the consumption of local products to support the local economy and reduce the environmental impact. In short, ‘From the sea to the table: yesterday's recipes in today's kitchens’ not only preserves culinary heritage and encourages gastronomic learning, but also educates about sustainability and celebrates the cultural and biological richness of the Mediterranean.
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Recipes: De la mar a la taula